Skeleton Bones: My View

(My son John Mark asked me to offer some 'theo-commentary' on his song Skeleton Bones, to give it some theological context. What follows is my view. You can find his lyrics at the bottom of the page.) John Mark writes authentic songs, personal expressions reflecting his insight into the heart of God. He communicates his own brand of faith with nonreligious language that makes sense to him and deeply touches his generation and others.

Skeleton Bones is one of those songs. Some have found the term skeleton morbid or negative nevertheless the Lord Himself commanded the prophet Ezekiel to speak to a valley of 'skeleton bones'. It didn't seem to bother the Lord or, hopefully, the prophet. Ezekiel said that when he prophesied to them they literally rattled as they came together (Ezekiel 37:7). That's the sound resurrecting dead people must make, especially those dead for hundreds or thousands of years.

'Peel back our ribs', a heart cry for intimacy, describes accurately the act of God in Genesis when He operated on Adam, peeled back a rib, and made a woman from it (Genesis 2:21-23). How could Adam not love her. She came from him (Adam), and Him (the Lord).

Who would not want the Lord to 'peel back the veil of time' so that we can see Him, the timeless One (see Isaiah 64:1). Those who love Him want to see Him so they can love Him more. Its the desire to love God more that sneaks into John Mark's songs over and over...'we just wanna love you, we just wanna love you'.

The phrase, 'skeleton bones stand at the sound of eternity on the lips of the found' speaks of the resurrection of the dead for those upon whose lips are the confession of faith in Him and His salvation. It takes a mouth and a heart. 'For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation' (Romans 10:10).

'Separate those doors and let the sun of resurrection in' is a plea for each of us to open the doors of our hearts to the light of the One who died for us and was raised from the dead for our justification.

'We want your blood inside our bodies' reflects the song writer’s desire for intimacy based on the very intent of Jesus the night before He was betrayed when He instituted the mystery of communion: Eat my body, drink my blood, He said (1 Corinthians 11:24-26).

'We want your wind inside our lungs', expresses the desire to be a 'God-breathed' person; like Adam in the garden of Eden (Genesis 2:7), like the disciples on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:2) when they breathed the rarified air of heaven. In both cases God released a supernatural life that changed Eden and changed the world. God...breathe into your people again. That's John Marks song! That's my prayer for His church too.

Skeleton Bones Peel back our ribs again and stand inside of our chest. We just wanna' love you We just wanna' love you

Peel back the veil of time And let us see You with our naked eyes We just wanna' love you We just wanna' love you

Skeleton bones stand at the sound of eternity On the lips of the found And gravestones roll To the rhythm of the sound of you Skeleton bones stand at the sound of eternity On the lips of the found So separate those doors And let the sun of resurrection in.

Oh let us adore the Son of Glory dress ed in love Open up your gates before him Crown Him, stand Him up

We want your blood to flow inside our body We want your wind inside our lungs We just wanna' love you We just wanna' love you